It's a been several years to since I've posted. Life got busy. The pattern of commute, work, sleep, repeat set in and a lot of inertia built up. If inertia is to be overcome an object needs to be acted upon by another force. For me, that other force was my husband's brilliant idea to move to Valencia, Spain. It seemed the right thing to do the moment I heard it. Every milestone we hit toward that goal just reinforces the "rightness" of it all.
I plan to use this blog as a journal of sorts to document my husband and my new life as expats in Spain. With my passion for cooking, food will be featured heavily along with observations on our travels and experiences.
I am so excited about what is ahead. As I've told our friends, we're not starting a new chapter in life, were are starting a whole, new book!
¡Hasta pronto amigos!